Termín konania: 13.-14.10.2010


Miesto konania: Club Penati, Agátová 33 Bratislava – Dúbravka



Intenzívny dvojdňový kurz bude prebiehať v anglickom jazyku (tréningové materiály sú v anglickom jazyku), pod vedením skúseného, ISACA certifikovaného lektora Hendrika Ceulemansa, InfoGovernance, Belgicko.


Garant/lektor kurzu:

Hendrik Ceulemans is the General Manager of InfoGovernance, offering IT governance and information security governance consultancy and trainings. Areas covered particularly include: using COBIT® and Val IT to improve IT governance, aligning policies and standards with business needs, as well as risk management. Hendrik lectured seminars and workshops and consulted on IT governance, information security governance, and information audit in South Africa, Canada, Morocco, India, Senegal, Tunisia, the USA, as well as in twenty European countries. Hendrik is Certified in the Governance of Enterprise IT (CGEIT) a Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA), Master in Computer Auditing (MCA) and Master in Business Administration (MBA).


He was co-founder and for seven years the president of the ISACA BeLux chapter.

Osnova kurzu:

Advanced introduction of the Val IT and CobiT® control frameworks, and how to use the many tools of the IT governance toolbox to improve IT governance in the organisation. Practical case studies to work with the control frameworks and tools.


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