Miesto konania: Club Penati, Agátová 33  Bratislava – Dúbravka


Termín konania: 22.-23.2009


Workshop - Risk Management: Intenzívny dvojdňový kurz bude prebiehať v anglickom jazyku (tréningové materiály sú v anglickom jazyku), pod vedením skúseného, ISACA certifikovaného lektora Hendrika Ceulemansa, InfoGovernance, Belgicko.


Osnova kurzu: This workshop will give you a good understanding of risk management and a good grounding in the pragmatic use of information risk assessment and control evaluation techniques. Moreover, methods and tools will be compared. You will understand that in view of the complexity and the importance of the issues, an adequate approach will help you to face the challenges and obtain results very quickly.


Delegates will actively participate in:

• Case Studies designed to help reinforce key
• The experience of the course tutor who is also a
practising consultant

Garant/lektor kurzu: Hendrik Ceulemans

Consulting and Lecturing in:

IT governance and control
Information security governance
Risk Management in Canada, India, Morocco, Senegal, South Africa, the USA and 22 European countries
Corporate Planning and Performance Measurement
IT Audit

Cieľová skupina:

IT managers
IT audit, IT security and IT control professionals and their managers
Audit managers
Risk managers
Business managers
Project managers
Quality managers
Audit committee members & executive managers


Účastnícky poplatok: Workshop - Risk Management(v anglickom jazyku)

Členovia ISACA/itSMF Nečlenovia ISACA:  465€    565€
Registrácia od 10.9.2009 - 21.9.2009   561€     631€
Účastníci zo štátnej správy 399€

Ceny sú uvedené bez DPH.

Možnosť získať 14 CPE bodov pre CISA a CISM.


Generálny partner ABIT 2023

















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